Wednesday, November 12, 2014


OK I'm supposed to write about what makes me Happy, well in all honesty there are several things that make me Happy.....

  1. My Children
  2. My Husband
  3. Knowing that I am Really close to Graduation
  4. Having a Job I Love
  5. Being able to even write at all (or read)
  6. I Love every season and season of life for a million different reasons
  7. The smell of anything baking
  8. Waking up next to the man I Love more than anything
  9. Knowing my children are healthy and happy
  10. Knowing I'm good at what I do, even though I am terrified half the time
  11. Knowing how far I have come and that I have made it out of the dark depression that wanted to consume me.
  • Fall:  I Love Hot Apple Cider, Bonfires, Football Games, Family and Comfort Food.
  • Winter:  I Love Christmas, Family, Food, Peppermint Mocha's (or Salted Caramel) Lemon Pie, all of the Decorations and snuggling on the couch with a movie
  • Spring:  I Love going to Hawaii, Snorkeling, Fresh Fruits and Veggies, Fresh Air, Baseball and the Feeling of New Beginnings Every Year.
  • Summer:  More Baseball, Sunny Days, Camping, Fishing, Family and the Fourth of July.
Knowing I am making a difference in someone else's life is something that always makes me Happy. I really am a simple person and the simple things make me the Happiest.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

True To Form...

OK True to form I haven't made it everyday so I'll pick up where I left off on Day 2 (I know, I know I couldn't even get two days in a row without a break)........Favorite Quotes:  I have several and the list grows every single day so this will never be a complete list, but I'll do my best...

  1. Perfect Girls Aren't Real and Real Girls Aren't Perfect!
  2. Happy Girls Are The Prettiest Girls.
  3. The Only Person Who Needs To Approve Of What You Do, Is In Your Mirror.
  4. Let Go and Let God.
  5. Those That Mind Don't Matter And Those That Matter Don't Mind
  6. True Friends Love You When You Are Crazy
  7. I Am Perfect In My Imperfections, Secure In My Insecurities And Loved Unconditionally In Spite Of Them All...
  8. Whatever You Do, Be Good At It, Do It Well
Then there are the things I say all the time:

  1. Really?.......
  2. I've never wanted to Throat Punch someone so bad
  3. Digging like a crack head; no really they dig like squirrels
  4. Oh, S**t Crazy is in here (sometimes it's Crazy from Crazy and Crazy) 
  5. Note to self............
  6. I'm Livin the Dream Man, Livin the Dream........

OK those are a few of my favorite and most inspirational quotes.  I will try to post more frequently, but this term is really tough and work is super busy so sometimes I get home and just want to lay on the couch and eat ice cream or drink a hot cup of herbal tea, I've even been known to just go to bed because I have to do it all over again tomorrow...

Friday, November 7, 2014

We Got Married & Other Exciting Things.....

Ron and I got married on July 19, 2014 it was an AMAZING DAY that went by so fast, but after we went to Hawaii.  I will write more about all of that later, for now I am going to post 5 facts about me, not that it is very interesting.

1.  I sometimes still have a hard time believing that I am a good person.  I have struggled for a long time with self esteem issues and I'm doing so much better now than I used to be.  I am like a completely different person and I really like who I am now.

2.  I Love Spoiling my nieces and nephews rotten (even the ones covered in fur).

3.  I NEVER Truly Believed that I would ever get to where I am now, and now I'm so close to actually achieving my goals I thought were just pipe dreams.

4.  I am actually Terrified every single time I have to arrest someone, I know I'm good at my job, but I am a big coward that makes myself do it anyway.

5.  I am somewhat of a hoarder when it comes to old things that once belonged to family members that have passed.  I have totes of things from my Grandmothers that I may never be able to put out again, but I will never get rid of the stuff because I do go through it and to me it is all memories that keep them all close.

31 Day Blog Challenge......

I am going to do my best.....

Friday, September 27, 2013

It's Been A While

Ron and I have been together for a little over 2 years now, we are engaged and living together.  Our wedding is planned for July 19, 2014.  I will graduate Dec 2014 so we are moving forward in life with everything we have planned.
I am still working and still going to school, but I have transferred to NCU.  I am enjoying my classes here a lot more, I love the teachers and I'm getting better grades.  Things have been so busy lately that I haven't blogged for a while and will try to do better.  I just wanted to take a few minutes to catch everyone up and post  a few of our engagement pictures.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Time To Refocus

I seem to have gotten off track of what I was trying to achieve lately.  I got myself into a bit of trouble that will pass, but it is going to cost me money I don't have.  I am now refocusing on exactly what I need to do to finish school and get a better job.
Things at work are starting to get a bit busier and I am focusing on making sure I am doing well in my classes.  I registered for spring term and realized that I should be done by next winter at the latest.  It was a bit surreal to realize I was that close to achieving a goal I set for myself years ago and could just never seem to get any closer to.  I am really excited about it though.
I am realizing that I need to stay focused on what makes me happy and stop trying to make everyone else happy around me.  If I am happy with myself then everything else will eventually fall into place.  I think I needed for this to happen for me to realize that I was getting off track and refocus me to what is important and what I need to do.  I am excited to see what this next year has in store for me and how things are going to play out.  I am tired of sabotaging myself and my happiness because I start to believe that I don't deserve it.  I DO DESERVE IT.  It is really hard to accept so many things I have waited so long for actually coming into my life.  When most of my life and experience has shown me that everything is all bad or all good and there is generally no in between.  I am able to focus on the good instead of the bad now and see that things are never all one way or the other, there is always good with the bad and bad with the good.  I just pray that I can keep  focused and keep going in the direction I'm going, because I think I am finally going in the right direction and moving forward with my life and not stuck in the past.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Stress, Stress & More Stress

Well lately I feel like I can't do anything right for anyone.  I have disappointed my kids, myself, Ron, my parents and probably my friends or at least most of them.  Sometimes I hate the fact that no matter what I do I can never seem to get ahead, I always make just enough progress that anytime something gets in the way I feel like I've taken 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.  I'm always trying to keep my head above water but lately I feel like I'm sinking fast.  I Love Ron with all my heart, but sometimes I feel like maybe he doesn't take me very seriously.  As I write this I am beyond tired, I have slept in almost 48 hours so I'm pretty emotional and kind of rummy.